

My Build Back Better

 Build Back Better... Lotsa deaths from bioweapons and jabs. Economy goes in dumpster. WEF type globalist stakeholders want us to beg them to surrender to their world communist system, where they control everything and we own nothing, eat bugs and like it (or die). Well, maybe we need some other proposals?

Here's mine FWIW:

To me the best period of American greatness was Jeffersonian America, which lasted from after John Adams to about the War of 1861, with the struggles of restraining those pushing for centralization of federal power. 

At the time of our nation's founding there were lots of unresolved conflicts within the founding group and between the states. Slavery was one such conflict which was eventually resolved by the result of the War of 1861. That resolution itself caused ripples downstream that have grown into the waves of destruction we now witness in our cities. Why?

 Another inherent conflict within the Constitution (which was also at the root of the slavery conflict) was centralization vs decentralization of federal power that existed between Hamiltonian-Lincolnian America and Jeffersonian-Jacksonian America. That was also improperly resolved by the result of the War of 1861. 

Hamilton wrote most of the Federalist Papers pushing for centralization of power - especially in monetary-commerce type institutions, in order to adopt USA Constitution as our foundational document to replace the original USA Confederation. 

Jeffersonian America was all about the decentralization of power envisaged by those of our founders popular with populists today. The Anti-Federalist Papers turned out to be the more prescient, foreseeing accurately the catastrophic results of the centralization of federal government power and its current abuses. There were terrible abuses such as racist slavery of blacks, and bad abuses of indentured servants at the start as well.

But it was central banks which were the most abusive element in America then as now. Jeffersonian American individuals, the common folk, improved their lot more than in any time in history before or since. Mr Lincoln was put into office by those pushing for the return to Hamiltonian centralization, where states, instead of being sovereign were reduced to glorified counties. America was moved from Jeffersonian "These" united states, to Lincolnian "The" united states.  Then, starting with Mr Lincoln's administration, America returned to Hamiltonian centralization of power. We ought to be devolving the power of the current USA federal government, not making it worse by switching our fealty to an even more abusive globalist stakeholders' hegemony.

Arguments against Jeffersonian America have always been that the rural character of Jeffersonian America is long gone and "we can't go back." America is too big, too urbane and too complex, and returning political power to the local level would cause a total system collapse. But what has our nation's centralization wrought? What has been the return on our investment - the turning over the power of our independent sovereign states to the ever-growing centralized power in the hands of the federal government?

For instance, the American government is currently over $30 trillion in debt, and the total current debt of America is over $86.5 trillion. That debt increase is growing at an exponential rate. America's currency and credit derivatives are about $612 trillion. The collapse is coming because those who pushed for centralization, the central and international banks knew it would and want it to collapse in a way that is controlled by them. They want total hegemony over the earth and its resources (including us) plus depopulation and slavery for those they allow to continue endeavoring to persevere.

If their controlled institutions were designed to fail to the globalist stakeholders' benefit, maybe we ought to take the opportunity to return our institutions to ones which operate to the benefit of We the People?

USA should become UNA (United Nations of America), sort of a regional UN with the sort of power the UN held over it's member nations in the 1950s (not much). UNA's purpose would be to protect it's member nations like NATO is supposed to protect Europe from invasion (not to go invading countries like Syria and Ukraine.) When America was founded, 4 million people called it home. Today there are nearly 333 million, or 6-2/3 million average per state. We are too big this way for Jeffersonian America to work.

USA's current 50 states should become 50 separate nations. Each of their prior existing counties become new states within that new nation. Each new state is also sovereign, under same constitutional provisions within new nation as originally intended for states by US founders. Each public elementary school boundary becomes a new county. City governments - especially those already bankrupt, have their charters revoked. Each new county responsible for upkeep of public utilities within their boundary. 

End all forms of taxation except import tariffs. Build lotsa new customs houses, or convert other unused facilities. Products made and sold within jurisdiction go untaxed. Goes for all new jurisdictions: county, state, nation & UNA. If I buy anything made in my own county, no tariff. If I buy something made in my own state but not in my county I pay a county tariff. Buy from another state I pay county and state tariffs. Buy from another nation I pay county, state & nation tariffs. Buy from outside UNA I pay county, state, nation & UNA tariffs. But no more sales, income, VAT nor property taxes. Hopefully, no use taxes, like toll bridges, and definitely no turning over existing public resources to foreign entities for profit. No use of traffic cameras nor black boxes in cars for speed traps and other fines and fees.

Corporations no longer "persons." Governments no longer have right of imminent domain without 2/3rd a separate vote of both houses to condemn each piece of property taken, and only then if paying current owner double real market value. Corporations required to be chartered to operate within each county, providing bond to each county to be forfeited when necessary to cover damages caused to inhabitants of county. Corporations damaging inhabitants lose their charter and operations (including sale of goods) banned within county. Corporation administrators, laborers, board members are all liable, punishable, for criminal acts and negligence.

Current US armed forces, other than space and naval, revert to state militias. Naval bases remain UNA territory. National Guard program ends. Pentagon and non-state resident territorial forts and bases remain under central UNA military command along with navy. UNA President may only ask new nations' presidents, and them may only ask their governors, to provide their state's militia to serve in time of war when declared by UNA Congress. Governors under no legal obligation to comply. UNA military is barred from operations against any member nation, except to come to aid of member nation invaded by another member nation.

Whichever new state (existing county) a member of existing armed forces is from - that state's new militia commanders becomes his governing chain of command. Member of armed forces may choose to permanently inhabit state his fort or base is in, or leave for home state. Forts and bases become part of state militia where they reside. Those states without militias build their own, or hire other states that have militias, forts, bases and armories to provide for their joint protection. Intel agencies placed under leadership and control of state militias. 

Currency becomes hard, but how hard depends upon each new nation in developing their own monetary system. Federal Reserve disappears when they pull the rug out from under America and declare jubilee for everyone holding paper-based assets. In lieu of declaring bankruptcy and turning over all public and private property in receivership to the globalist stakeholders, I believe UNA should mint one special $30 trillion dollar coin made from gold-plated zinc, with the image of Joe Biden on it, and turns that over to the private Western central bank BIS system, stating then that all ties to their organization thenceforth are permanently severed.

But that would be the wrong thing to do. Our enemy is not our teacher. We will - or ought to - cut government expenditures to half of revenues and/or increase taxes as required to pay off debts owed to central banks and international investment banks as quickly as possible, within at most 50 years. Much sooner if possible. Then, when debt is paid off, continue cutting government expenditures and collecting more in revenues until government has sufficient surplus revenue to be able to loan it's excess to other nations. Interest payment revenues from other nations' loan repayments ought to cover majority of costs for running national government.

Appropriations for state's militia, or to pay for rent-a-militia, becomes part of each state's budget. Total tariffs ought to be: 1.5% for UNA, 3% for nation, 6% for state and 10% for county. Disastrous debt-induced hyperinflation caused by Keynesian economics is discarded in favor of Ludwig von Mises economics. UNA government costs are reduced by 95%. National and State government costs are also reduced by a similar amount.

All UN property reserves in America returned to UNA ownership. Disconnect totally from UN (and NATO). Get UNA out of UN and UN out of America. Then UNA property outside of DC, turned over to nations in which they are sited, except for UNA naval bases and foreign territories. Each new nation in turn, turns over acquired property to the states in which the property resides. Native American reservations become sovereign states. Post offices become property of nations they reside in. Where public resources are sold to private interests they ought to be sold for fair market returns, which ought to go into funds available for loaning to other nations. Government to only grow when there are secure existing funding streams to cover costs of new programs.

Public schools, CRT, cancel culture, etc. are no longer. Brick and mortar school facilities become community program facilities, county sheriff office facilities, customs houses and armories. Education controlled by local community, churches or parents with cooperative, on-line, local-developed and self-directed curriculum. Just-in-time learning and business internships promoted with competitive gao-kaos every 4th year of student's education.

Costs for remediation of pollution of air, water and land by corporations comes out of bonds held by departments of environmental quality and by pre-agreement of corporation's county charter. If such pollution by individuals or other forms of business association on private land, then individuals involved are liable for remediation costs, including recovering of real  property and sale at auction if necessary. Also, in areas subject to wildfires, property owners to each provide 15 yard fire break along property lines. Otherwise, property owners have all rights to use of their property, including air rights, mineral rights, solar rights, etc.