

Sage Rats, Rabbits, Coyotes, and Wolves

A pack of coyotes terrorizes every smaller species in their territory - a couple coyotes even chase a small doe - not sure if they ever brought her down? The sage rats have a regular underground community with openings everywhere. One day a group of rabbits was eating next to the community of sage rats.

The two groups tolerated each other because the rabbits ate the grass leaves and the sage rats ate their roots, as well as the roots of everything else growing in the area. Along came a pack of coyotes. The sage rats always have a lookout and they stayed close to their warren openings and so all were saved. The rabbits didn't notice until the pack was on them. Several were killed and many ran away.   One small rabbit fit into the sage rat opening far enough to save it from the pack of coyotes. The sage rats were a little surprised but they let the rabbit enjoy sanctuary in their underground home. The coyotes found out that it cost them too much in energy use to dig out the rabbit than the small rabbit would provide in food energy.

The pack went on searching for cats, small dogs and quail nests and eventually the little rabbit backed out of the sage rat warren. The other rabbits were long gone and the little rabbit knew that the red tailed hawks would catch and eat him in quick order if he went in search of the rest of his rabbit friends, so he stayed with the sage rats - ducking underground whenever danger threatened.  Eventually the little rabbit grew bigger. Along came a predator and the rabbit could no longer fit into the sage rat warren. The rabbit was not upset with the predator, but was mad as heck at the sage rats. He was being left out to die because they had not made their warren big enough to accommodate him. To the rabbit, he was being murdered by the sage rats - not the predator.  To the rabbit, the sage rats were specists (or he would call them racists) - they wanted him dead because he was different.

The way I understand it, NWO democrats, neocons and establishment GOPers today want everyone to accommodate everyone else. That is, to shed our cultural heritage and adopt a new culture.  We adapted our environment to accommodate handicapped persons.  We put in elevators, ramps, shorter drinking fountains, bigger parking spaces, etc. so the people with handicaps can become productive - helping change our society and culture to accommodate everyone else.  Not a bad thing, except that perhaps the expense might have been better used to maintain our existing civil infrastructure which was allowed to decompose to the point of collapse today.

"We" brought in African slaves long ago for cheap labor because Native Americans died too quickly in captivity to be profitable for "us".  Sort of like a separate distant community of sage rats who paid a pack of coyotes to capture and release several rabbits near their warren to make it easier to distract those coyotes from their own community of sage rats, making it easier for those sage rats to escape predators.  (Where the coyotes are analogous to any threat to the health of the community.)

Same thing with illegals after the end of the War of 1861.  Once the blacks were converted to wage slaves and migrated to northern factories, illegals replaced them in the "reconstructed" South.  Now 63% of the illegals are on welfare and we must pay to house, feed, clothe and "educate" them.  Now that everyone has been made their economic wage slaves and the economic support system has become fiat and is corrupted to the point of imminent collapse, the NWO elitists look to do away with the other institutions which support our society.

Social institutions have been converted to promoters of systems antithetical to our cultural heritage.  The media no longer stand watch looking out for dangers to the community.  They are now only promoters of things destructive to the community.  The legal and political system is thoroughly infested with NWO activists who use every opportunity to overturn the intent of our nation's founders, and to overthrow our cultural heritage. The family has been attacked and is nearly done away with.  Child protective services often - if not routinely, take children away from Christian parents and house them with known pedophile and child sex trafficking criminals.  Elders are encouraged to be 'suicided' by overdosing with narcotics which is the basic activity of Hospice care.  Babies are murdered by the millions via Planned Parenthood, and big pharma makes profits off their corpses.  Many times the number of babies aborted are killed with morning after pills - to the point that the population is in decline - and the decline is then used to justify (rationalize) the tolerance of illegals depressing actual wages in our community.

The NWO elitists now focus on the last shreds of our culture - by creating legal traps to destroy our religion. Foreign, hostile and mutually exclusive religions are being imported to reduce the freedom of  religion which has been the basis of our cultural heritage. To the NWO elitists, we have to call homos "gay" and not only tolerate, but accommodate them. Also, LGTBQWERCF degenerates who are abominations unto God must be accommodated totally into every aspect of our society.  We have to bake cakes celebrating the unions of abominations. The democrats want us to send our children to their public schools to be trained to accommodate to the pedophiles and other degenerates.  Sort of like forcing us to build our warrens large enough to accommodate the coyotes.

The NWO elitists expect us to go along with any and all forms of destructive accommodations which their voting base comes up with...  We have to do away with freedom of association and accept those who seek only to destroy our cultural heritage. Only now do we begin to hear their actual goal - to eliminate us sage rats and replace us with slower and less intelligent species.  We now know the commie wolf kakistocracy is behind all the collapse of our culture - and they expect us to continue to go along with it.

No way.

 ðŸ’— 💗 God bless DJT! DTS & MAGA! 💗 💗