

Globalist Elitists' Relationships With We the People

 We the People want to keep only people in positions of public trust who uplift us, whose presence in our institutions calls forth our best. False relationships can be hard to identify. Just as it's challenging to distinguish a mirage from an oasis in the vast desert of human interaction, in a world full of false meanings and mismatches where masks of cordiality and shared self-interest are skillfully worn. Discovering who truly cares for us is an art that requires not just intuition but also a sharp eye. And sometimes we end up believing too much in the goodness and good will of our donor and permanent ruling classes, when what's really happening is that We the People are just being used. 

Just like a skilled gardener who knows how to distinguish the plants that nourish from those that suck the nutrients from the soil, we must learn to identify those who in our lives are true allies. But we must also recognize those who are emotional parasites. Therefore, we will now talk about subtle signs and less obvious patterns that reveal the hidden intentions behind the forced smiles and empty promises of Deep-state Directed Candidate-Politicians (D2CP). 

We are interested in the positive development of institutions which We the People use, and whom it is that gets placed in their management positions. In this context, We the People seek wisdom needed to decipher human enigmas, Illuminating path towards electing managers who will create more authentic and rewarding relationships between We the People and our managed institutions. 

Failed Campaign Promises 

This act of D2CP, making and breaking promises, can be likened to a theatrical performance where words are the actors and actions are the neglected script. These D2CP have mastered the art of verbal persuasion, painting vivid pictures of commitment and support. However, D2CP's words are often devoid of the substance of action. D2CPs create expectations with the flourish of a painter, but when the time comes to turn these painted dreams into reality they falter, revealing the emptiness of their assurances. In such D2CP a pattern emerges, when their support is most needed, when their promise is due for delivery, these D2CP often vanish, leaving a void filled with disappointment and disillusionment. D2CPs absence in times of need, is not just a breach of trust, it is a clear indicator of their true motivations. 

D2CP promises are tools for manipulation, designed to extract value, trust or support, with no intention of reciprocation. Failure to fulfill promises therefore becomes a litmus test of sorts. It distinguishes between politicians who value governor-governed relationships as a two-way street of mutual respect and support, and D2CP who see such relationships merely as avenues for personal gain. For those voters left in the lurch, the experience often brings a painful but valuable lesson that not all promises are built on the foundation of honesty and integrity. 

So the failure to fulfill promises is a critical behavior to observe, and understanding and identifying D2CP who may only seek to use the electorate to obtain self-profit via positions of public trust. It is a behavior that speaks louder than the most eloquent of words, revealing a D2CP's true character and intention. And recognizing this pattern, We the People can learn to navigate the complex terrain of political relationships with a more discerning eye, safeguarding We the People's trust and emotional investment.

Diminishing, Disdainful Comments 

D2CPs who habitually use voters as stepping stones for their personal gain are adept at deploying diminutive remarks as a tool for eroding self-esteem, confidence and the sense of self-worth in their targets, competing populist candidates and their electorate. These comments, sometimes cloaked in the guise of humor or casual banter, are in fact barbed hooks designed to pull We the People down, rather than uplift. Such D2CP trivialize our successes, scoff at our aspirations, or appear disinterested and unresponsive to our struggles and challenges. 

D2CP behavior is akin to a subtle psychological warfare, by systematically undervaluing our populist candidates' achievements and aspirations. D2CP create an imbalance in their relationship with the entire electorate, not just those attacked. It's a calculated move to ensure that We the People remain in a position of self-doubt and diminished self-esteem, making us all the more susceptible to D2CP manipulation and control. In their eyes our diminished self worth elevates their status, solidifying their position of dominance in the relationship. 

Moreover, such disdainful remarks are often a reflection of D2CP own insecurities and feelings of inadequacy. By belittling others, D2CP attempt to mask their own vulnerabilities and project a facade of superiority. This behavior is a telltale sign of D2CP inability to engage in healthy, supportive and reciprocal relationships with We the People via the institutions they intend to manage. Recognizing and understanding this pattern of behavior is crucial to the continuation of our Republic. It enables us to see through the veil of superficial charm that D2CP often wear, and to understand the underlying toxic dynamics of D2CP intended relationship with We the People. It serves as a warning to either address the behavior with D2CP, directly setting clear boundaries, or to distance ourselves later from the toxic environments they seek to create.

Unilateral Benefit

This manifests in various facets of the relationship between D2CP and the positions of public trust they were selected to manage: financial, emotional or practical. Financially, D2CP frequently ask for money or resources from the electorate with promises of repayment via political reciprocity in institutional improvements that never materialize. Emotionally, D2CP lean heavily on the electorate for their support, validation and attention, yet offer little to nothing in return to We the People when they occupy their given roles in our institutions. Practically, D2CP habitually seek favors, assistance, or time, yet are conspicuously absent or too busy to be seen when We the People seek/need their help. 

This one-sidedness is akin to a parasitic relationship in nature, where one organism benefits at the expense of the other. D2CP, like parasites, draw nourishment, in this case emotional, financial or practical support, without contributing equally or adequately to the well-being of their host. Over time, this lack of reciprocity depletes We the Peoples' resources, be they emotional, financial or temporal, leaving us and our posterity drained and unfulfilled. The motives behind unilateral benefit are often rooted in a deep-seated self-centeredness and a lack of empathy of the D2CP. 

D2CP views relationships through a transactional lens, assessing interactions based on what they stand to gain, rather than what they can contribute. This approach to D2CP management relationship with We the People is fundamentally flawed as it overlooks the inherent value of mutual respect, support and give and take. Identifying this pattern requires a discerning eye. It involves recognizing the persistent lack of reciprocity and the feeling of being perpetually short changed in the electorate's relationship with these D2CP. It calls for an honest assessment of whether the interactions leave We the People feeling valued and respected, or used and undervalued. 

Disregard for Our Needs or Feelings

This pattern of behavior, where our emotional landscape is consistently ignored or devalued, is akin to tending a garden where only one flower is allowed to bloom, while others are neglected. In such interactions, candidate's needs and desires are prioritized while ours are sidelined or dismissed. D2CP actions and words become shears that trim away at our emotional well-being, leaving We the People feeling undervalued and invisible in the relationship. This disregard manifests in various forms. It's evident in the way D2CP routinely overlook our emotional needs, failing to provide support or understanding in times when we are vulnerable or in need. It's seen in D2CP indifference to our opinions and choices, where our voice is drowned out by their dominating narrative. D2CP neglect to acknowledge our achievements, and worse, minimize our struggles, making light of issues that weigh heavily on We the Peoples' hearts and minds. 

Such behavior is not merely insensitive, it's a calculated neglect. A tool used to maintain an upper hand in the relationship by invalidating our feelings and needs. D2CP creates an environment where our self worth is undermined, thereby making We the People more susceptible to D2CP influence and control. It is a form of emotional manipulation, subtly executed, but with significant impact. This dynamic is particularly damaging because it strikes at the very core of We the People's emotional well-being. Electorate's need to be heard, understood and valued is fundamental. When these needs are repeatedly ignored by D2CP and bureaucrats it leads to a decline in We the People's self-esteem and a feeling of isolation, even when we are in a seemingly active relationship. To navigate such waters it is essential to recognize the signs of D2CP emotional neglect of the electorate. This awareness becomes a beacon guiding us away from relationships where our emotional well-being is at risk. It empowers We the People to seek connections to populist candidates where reciprocity of respect and mutual care are the foundational pillars. 

Emotional Manipulation

 It often starts insidiously with the manipulator-D2CP presenting themselves as caring and attentive. However, this facade quickly morphs into a mechanism for inducing feelings of anxiety, inadequacy or guilt in their voter-target. These D2CP become adept at pushing emotional buttons, praising to elevate us when it suits their purpose, then sharply criticizing or undermining us to create self-doubt and dependency. Consider the analogy of a gardener and a delicate plant. A caring gardener nurtures, providing just the right amount of water and sunlight. In contrast, the D2CP, like a negligent gardener, alternates between overwatering and leaving the plant to wither in drought. 

D2CP use emotional extremes to destabilize, creating an environment where the target voters become emotionally dependent, constantly seeking D2CP approval and validation to regain that initial sense of warmth. This manipulation often targets the very core of our emotional wellbeing. D2CP may trivialize our accomplishments, or magnify our failures, to keep us in a perpetual state of self-doubt. D2CP twist situations to make us feel guilty for normal actions, shifting the blame to ensure we are always the ones apologizing. In relationships where D2CP hold sway, the balance of power is always skewed. 

D2CP hold the reigns, deciding when to offer affection and when to withdraw it, keeping their target voter-base off balance. This dynamic is not about mutual growth or support, it's about feeding D2CP's needs at the expense of We the People's emotional health. Identifying emotional manipulation of D2CP requires a keen awareness of these dynamics. It involves recognizing the patterns of interaction where our feelings are consistently toyed with. It calls for introspection to understand how these interactions affect We the People's sense of self and emotional well-being. 

Lack of Genuine Support 

Envision a tree in a vast forest. Ideally, it is supported by the surrounding trees and undergrowth, receiving nutrients, shelter and the companionship of a thriving ecosystem. Now imagine a tree standing alone in a barren landscape, with no other flora to offer support or protection. This is akin to living in a society controlled by D2CP managers who lack genuine interest in our well-being. We the People are made to stand alone unsupported. Our branches reaching out for camaraderie that never comes, because such camaraderie is seen as a threat to the stability of the permanent ruling class, to the donor class and to the D2CP. 

In such D2CP-We the People relationships our goals, projects and challenges are met with apathy or token gestures of support. D2CP may ask to hear our plans, offer a half-hearted good luck, or even verbalize support, but their actions, or lack thereof, speak louder when it comes to tangible assistance, meaningful advice or even a listening ear. During tough times their presence is conspicuously absent. D2CP help, if offered, tends to be superficial, more a matter of form than substance, and often evaporates when needed most. What's worse, D2CP work to block us from seeking or giving support to each other.

The reason behind this lack of genuine support is rooted in D2CP focus on self-interest. Our successes or failures, our challenges are of interest only if it serves D2CP's self-interests or the donor class's agenda, only as We the People affect D2CP or their goals. D2CP view relationships to the electorate through a transactional lens, where emotional investment is calculated based on their potential personal returns. This attitude creates an imbalance where We the People continuously gives, be it effort, care or resources, while D2CP takes, often leaving We the People feeling undervalued and unseen. 

Recognizing this lack of genuine support is crucial in understanding the nature of our relationship with each D2CP. It calls for an honest assessment of the reciprocity in our interactions with them. Identifying and addressing this lack of support is key to ensuring that we invest our time and energy in non-D2CP relationships that are nurturing, reciprocal and genuinely supportive. 

Constant Competition

Picture a game of chess where every move is calculated not just to advance one's position but also to systematically undermine the opponent. In a similar vein, a donor class owned D2CP who just want to use We the People for self gain will often treat our relationship to them as a strategic game. Each of our achievements, decisions or even challenges becomes an opportunity for them to assert superiority, whether it's overshadowing our populist candidate's political successes, one-upping our populist candidate's accomplishments, or subtly undermining We the People's voting decisions. D2CP's actions are driven by the need to stay ahead in this self-imposed competition, based on controlled polls from institutions owned by donor class. This constant competition manifests in various ways in a political setting. 

D2CP attempt to outshine populist candidates (who come out of We the People,) in public meetings, or take credit for our candidate's ideas. In political relationships, D2CP downplay our populist candidate's experiences or achievements, often juxtaposing their own to appear more significant. Even in casual conversations there's a palpable undercurrent of them trying to prove themselves better, smarter, or more successful. The root of this behavior lies in deep-seated insecurity and a skewed perception of self-worth, where value is measured not by their own merit, but by being superior to others, even if they are only ones who see themselves in that way. This perspective turns every interaction into a zero sum game, where for D2CP to win, others, in this case We the People, must lose. 

It's a mindset where mutual growth is overshadowed by desire to out do and overshadow. Engaging with D2CP who exhibit constant competition can be emotionally exhausting. It creates an environment of perpetual tension where genuine collaboration or support is replaced by rivalry. Our successes are not celebrated but viewed as challenges to D2CP dominance. Our struggles are not met with empathy but seen as opportunities for D2CP to gain an upper hand. Identifying and understanding this pattern is crucial. It helps in setting boundaries and recalibrating the relationship, if possible, to a more healthy and collaborative dynamic. It involves recognizing that the foundation of any constructive relationship between We the People and politicians who seek to manage our institutions is mutual respect and support, not a relentless race for superiority.

Absence in Critical Moments

This pattern of behavior is reminiscent of a tree that provides shade only when when the sun is gentle, but vanishes when the storm clouds gather for coming bad times. When the sailing is smooth, D2CP are there, basking in the shared light, and reaping the benefits of D2CP's relationship with We the People, as portrayed by donor class-owned legacy media. However, when the tides turn, when challenges arise, and when support is most needed, D2CP presence dwindles, leaving We the People to weather the storm alone. D2CP treat relationships as a convenience, a means to an end, where their involvement is weighed on a scale of personal benefit. 

D2CP support is superficial, extended only when it aligns with their interests, or when there is something to gain. In critical moments, be it a personal crisis, a professional setback, or emotional turmoil, D2CP absence is palpable. It's during these times, when genuine support and empathy are most needed, that D2CP true priorities and lack of commitment to the relationship are starkly revealed. 

The impact of this behavior on We the People, who are let down, is profound. It breeds a sense of betrayal and disillusionment, chipping away at the trust and reliability we think of as foundational to our relationship with our nation. It raises questions about the very nature of the bond, and often leads to a reassessment of We the People's role and value in the life of our American nation. 

Understanding this pattern is essential in recognizing the nature of the relationship, and the D2CP's true intentions. It requires acknowledging that consistent support both in times of joy and in times of adversity is a cornerstone of any meaningful relationship between governors and the governed. The realization that D2CP is absent during our critical moments serves as a litmus test, helping to distinguish between populist candidates who are genuinely invested in our wellbeing, and D2CP who are in the relationship merely for their personal gain. 

Lack of Reciprocity

Imagine a seesaw where one side is laden with the weight of efforts, sacrifices and commitments, while the other side is feather light, devoid of equivalent contributions. This image aptly represents a relationship lacking reciprocity. In such connections we find ourselves consistently investing time, energy and emotions, striving to nurture and sustain the bond between each other and our nation's government. 

Conversely, D2CP contributions are minimal, often tokenistic, or entirely absent. This disparity in effort can manifest in various ways: it might be us always initiating communication and offering plans, while D2CP responses are lukewarm or non-committal; it could be our continuous support and understanding, without receiving the same level of empathy or assistance when we need it; even in sharing personal experiences and vulnerabilities, we might find ourselves open and forthcoming, whereas D2CP remain guarded or disinterested. 

The reasons behind this lack of reciprocity are rooted in D2CP's self-centric approach to relationships. For D2CP, the relationship is a convenience, a resource to be tapped into as needed without the intention of a meaningful exchange. D2CP involvement is calculated and contingent on what benefits them, disregarding the needs and feelings of We the People. This approach is contrary to the essence of healthy governor-governed relationships, which thrive on mutual give and take, shared experiences and a balanced investment of emotional labor. 

Recognizing the lack of reciprocity requires a mindful observation of the relationship's dynamics. It involves asking whether the efforts to sustain and grow the connection are mutually shared, or disproportionately shouldered by We the People. It calls for an honest assessment of whether the relationship between We the People and D2CP feels enriching or draining, equal or skewed.

Gossip and Breach of Trust

This can be likened to a double-edged sword. On one edge the act of gossiping about others to you creates a false sense of camaraderie and trust. It can appear as if D2CP are confiding in you, drawing you into a seemingly exclusive circle of trust. However, the other edge of the sword is far more sinister. It involves the betrayal of our trust, where the intimate or sensitive information we unknowingly shared in confidence (federal agencies illegally collected) becomes fodder for D2CP gossip with donor class owned media. This betrayal is not just a violation of trust, it is a strategic move to erode our sense of security and privacy within the relationship. This conduct reveals a calculated disregard for the sanctity of We the Peoples' personal information and a blatant disrespect for the boundaries of confidentiality. 

D2CP's use of others leverages gossip as a tool for social maneuvering, often positioning themselves as a nexus of information by disseminating and twisting information. They seek to manipulate perceptions, create alliances or even discord, all for their political benefit. This behavior demonstrates a utilitarian approach to relationships, where people are seen as means to an end, and confidential information as currency to be traded. The impact of such actions on We the People, the victim, is multifaceted. It fosters an environment of mistrust and insecurity, undermining the very foundation of what could have been a supportive and trustworthy relationship, not only between electorate and government, but between We the People as well. It can lead to social and emotional repercussions, as the misuse of personal information can damage reputations, relationships and self-esteem. 

Identifying this pattern of behavior in D2CP is crucial for safeguarding ourselves against such relational predators. It involves being vigilant about how D2CP speak of others in their absence, and being cautious about the information shared with D2CP. Observing their disrespect for confidentiality and their propensity to engage in gossip can provide valuable insights into D2CP character and intentions. Recognizing and addressing this pattern in D2CP is fundamental to maintaining We the People's dignity and ensuring that personal boundaries are respected in all relationships. 

Select Availability 

We the People and our populist candidates-politicians are available, D2CP are not. Selective availability, in such a context, paints a picture of a one-sided relationship akin to a party phone line where only one party is always on a call. We the People, in this dynamic, are perpetually ready to lend an ear, extend a hand, or offer support. Our calendar, our emotions, and our resources are open books, readily accessible to D2CP. In stark contrast, D2CP's availability is as rare as a comet in the night sky, occasional, unpredictable, and always on their terms. 

This discrepancy, and availability, is not merely a matter of busy schedules or conflicting priorities, it is a deliberate choice, a strategic stance adopted by the D2CP. D2CP unavailability serves a dual purpose. It maintains a distance convenient for them, and it places them in a position of control by limiting their availability. D2CP create a dynamic where you are left wanting more, often feeling grateful for whatever time or attention they dain to offer. In such relationships our efforts to connect or engage are frequently met with excuses, delays, or outright neglect. Our texts go unanswered, our calls unreturned, our needs unacknowledged. 

When D2CP do engage it aligns with their needs or agenda, making the government-governed relationship into a one-way street where our role becomes that of a convenience, rather than a valued partner. The emotional toll of this pattern can be significant. It breeds feelings of inadequacy. As we begin to question the value of our contributions and our worth in the eyes of the D2CP, it creates an undercurrent of frustration and resentment, born out of the realization that our efforts and availability are not reciprocated. 

Recognizing the pattern of selective availability is crucial. It involves stepping back and objectively assessing the balance of effort and availability in the relationship. It calls for an understanding that healthy government-governed relationships are built on mutual respect, effort and presence.

Making You Feel Guilty

Envision a scenario where guilt is like a puppeteer string tugging at the conscience of the benevolent, leading them down a path they might not willingly choose. D2CP knows how to pull our strings, adeptly tapping into our sense of responsibility, empathy, or fairness. D2CP might frame requests in a way that refusal would make us seem uncaring or selfish. Alternatively, D2CP might remind you of past favors or incidents done for us, suggesting an unspoken debt that we are now obligated to repay. This tactic of inducing guilt is often subtle and insidious. 

It starts with small favors or concessions, gradually escalating to more significant demands over time. Our boundaries are eroded and our capacity to refuse diminishes, leaving We the People feeling trapped in a cycle of guilt and compliance. D2CP's needs and wants take center stage while our own are sidelined or entirely dismissed. The effectiveness of this tactic lies in its ability to tap into a fundamental aspect of human nature, the desire to be seen as good, helpful and caring. 

By making us feel guilty, D2CP distorts these virtues, turning them into levers of control. We the People find ourselves doing things, not out of genuine desire or mutual respect, but out of a sense of imposed obligation, often feeling resentful or drained. Recognizing when D2CP is using guilt to manipulate us is crucial for maintaining the Integrity of our personal boundaries and emotional well-being. 

It involves being mindful of the emotional undercurrents in our interactions, distinguishing between genuine requests for help and attempts to exploit our good will. It also requires the courage to question the motivations behind the requests and to assert our right to say no without feeling guilty. Identifying and addressing this manipulative tactic is essential for fostering healthier government-governed relationships based on mutual respect, genuine care and free choice, rather than obligation and guilt.

Lack of Personal Interest

Imagine a conversation as a two-way street, bustling with the traffic of thoughts, experiences and emotions, flowing back and forth in a healthy relationship. This street is alive with the exchange of mutual interest and care. However, when dealing with D2CP who just wants to use us, this street turns into a one-way lane. D2CP stories and experiences drive the conversation, while attempts to steer the dialogue towards our lives are met with detours or dead ends. 

This lack of personal interest manifests in various forms. Town hall conversations with D2CP often feel like monologues, dressed as dialogues. D2CP eagerly delve in into the minutia of their daily lives, their challenges and triumphs, expecting our attention and empathy. Yet when the spotlight shifts towards us, D2CP interest wanes. D2CP might respond with perfunctory nods, change the subject abruptly, or show visible disinterest or impatience. Our problems and experiences, no matter how significant, seem to barely register on D2CP radar of concern. 

This behavior is not merely a lack of of social etiquette or an absence of conversational skills, it is a deliberate indication of their priorities and Intentions. By dominating the conversation and disregarding our stories, D2CP establish a dynamic where D2CP needs, opinions and life take precedence. It's a subtle form of egocentrism, where the relationship revolves around D2CP axis, and our role is reduced to that of an audience or a sounding board. 

The impact of such interactions can be profoundly disheartening. It can lead to feelings of insignificance and frustration, as the fundamental human need for recognition and understanding goes unmet. Over time this imbalance can erode the foundation of the relationship, leaving We the People feeling more like an accessory to D2CP life than an equal partner. 

Recognizing this lack of personal interest is crucial. It involves being aware of the dynamics of our interactions and acknowledging the emotional impact these one-sided conversations have on us. It calls for an evaluation of whether the relationship is mutually enriching or draining. Identifying this imbalance paves the way for seeking more reciprocal and fulfilling relationships with populist candidate-politicians, rather than D2CP, where our stories and experiences are valued and respected as much as theirs. 

Superficial Closeness

It can be likened to the shimmering surface of a lake. It reflects the image of depth and substance, but upon closer inspection one finds it lacks the profundity it promises. In such interactions D2CP may mimic the behaviors of a close friend or a committed partner, D2CP might engage in frequent communication, share laughs and even partake in what seems like intimate conversations, however, this semblance of closeness never transcends into the realm of true depth. D2CP lack of genuine commitment manifests in various ways. 

We might notice that while D2CP are quick to enjoy the benefits of the government-governed relationship they are equally quick to distance themselves when it requires effort or sacrifice on D2CP's part. In times of need D2CP support is often flimsy or non-existent. D2CP may be present for the joys and celebrations, but conspicuously absent during moments of struggle or vulnerability. Moreover, this superficial closeness often lacks the key elements of trust and reliability that underpin authentic relationships. Plans might be made only to be casually broken. 

Promises might be given but seldom kept. D2CP participation in the relationship is on D2CP terms, guided by convenience and self-interest. The motive behind this behavior is often to maintain a circle of contacts that can be called upon when needed without investing in the emotional labor that true relationship require. It's a strategy of keeping people close enough for utility, but not close enough to demand reciprocal commitment. In a sense, it's a form of emotional hedging; reaping the benefits of closeness without the risk of real attachment or responsibility. 

Recognizing superficial closeness is crucial in understanding the dynamics at play in a D2CP (government) We the People (governed) relationship. It involves observing the patterns of interaction and questioning whether the perceived intimacy is matched by actions of genuine commitment and shared vulnerability. It's about discerning whether the relationship is balanced in terms of emotional investment or skewed towards serving only D2CP needs. It's a relationship characterized by a facade of intimacy lacking the foundation of genuine commitment and mutual growth. Identifying this pattern allows We the People to seek and nurture populist candidate-politician relationships that are rooted in authenticity, reciprocity and true emotional depth.

Persistent Lack of Respect

This is more than an occasional lapse in judgment, or a slip of the tongue in the heat of a moment. It is a continuous thread woven into the fabric of the D2CP-citizen relationship. It manifests in various forms. It could be through belittling comments, dismissive attitudes, or even blatant disregard for our feelings and boundaries. This behavior can be subtle like a series of small cuts, or overt like a glaring wound to the dignity. 

Imagine a garden where respect is the nourishment that helps relationships flourish. In its absence what's left is a barren landscape where nothing healthy can grow. In such a scenario, every attempt at conversation or connection becomes a path fraught with thorns of contempt and disregard. D2CP, exhibiting this lack of respect, uses it as a tool, whether consciously or unconsciously, to assert dominance or control in the relationship. 

It's a way of diminishing We the People, maintaining an upper hand in a dynamic, where equality and mutual regard should prevail. This consistent disrespect deeply undermines the relationship's foundation. When disagreements occur, instead of resolving them with understanding and empathy, they become battlefields with no regard for emotional casualties. The normal ebb and flow of relationship dynamics are disrupted, making it difficult, if not impossible, to return to a state of normality and mutual respect. 

Understanding and recognizing this pattern of persistent disrespect is vital. It involves looking beyond isolated incidents to see the broader pattern of behavior. It's about realizing that respect is not just about grand gestures, it's present in the daily interaction, the small acknowledgements, and the way disagreements are handled. 

A persistent lack of respect in a government-governed relationship is a significant indicator of D2CP who view We the People not as equal partners, but as a means to an end. This lack of regard for our feelings and dignity reveals a government-governed relationship that is fundamentally unbalanced and unhealthy. Identifying this trait in candidates is crucial for anyone who values their self-respect, American institutions, and seeks institutional relationships built on a foundation of mutual respect and equality.