

Socialism in China

 Youtube poster Citizen Peng (Huang,) Australian college teacher or professor had all of his video content removed by Youtube some time before the CV19 pandemic. His videos showed his progress in building his own retirement greenhouse including hydroponically grown veggies and fish ponds, where some veggies fed the fish and the fish droppings fed the plants. His videos showed us how he designed his ingenious greenhouse and meticulously constructed it to provide not only self sufficiency of veggies and fish for home consumption plus marketable produce to exchange for taxes and other cash for necessities not home produced, but also his maximum conservation of water and other resources while balancing first cost with replacement costs. His greenhouse was up and running and operating as expected when Youtube deplatformed him.

Youtube probably did that because one of Citizen Peng's posts had to do with his life in mainland China. He was tapped to become a CCP member out of college. Insight that he provided in this one post was about how China's socialism works:


You are chosen by CCP to become member of CCP. You don't ask nor fill out a form to become a CCP member, you are selected, or not. In China, there are about 90 million CCP members and over 1.3 billion non-members. Approximately half Chinese population are either members of CCP or kin to members of CCP. Being CCP brings perks to member and their kin. CCP exists in pyramid of power strata, with most at base stratum of lower power and few at elite strata, as regional oligarchs who are responsible for their territory's extra funding to those CCP above them. 

Below bottom strata are non-CCP members of Chinese society. Non-member society have their strata as well, but power differences between their strata is always less than power difference between being CCP member or non member. Non-member strata based on kinship to CCP members, and political usefulness to CCP. Those with neither are tolerated as tax cattle unless and until they do anything to hurt CCP hegemony or cause CCP member to lose face. Then they are dealt with according to what will bring most benefit to CCP in their disposal.

CCP's first priority is to maintain itself in power. Distinct membership groups or alliances within CCP have competing interests for appropriation of China's resources determined from top down. Interpersonal relationships within CCP membership based upon strata of members, groups members associated with and perceived political mobility up or down. 


CCP member "X" is in school administration for large city and responsible for selecting food supplier for school district's free lunch program. He oversees production of bidding documents for quality and quantity of foods agreed to be supplied by contractor. Chinese city schools are big, like ~ 1,700 students. All students required to eat in cafeteria same lunch cooked by school's kitchen staff. Parents not allowed to make lunches at home for their children to bring with them to school. 

Taxes from residents living within school district pays costs for lunches. Where you are allowed to live is also controlled by local government. If you live within one school boundary you have to get government permission to move into another school boundary. When not private schooled, most city elites' children go to same school and every other parent in school district would prefer that their children also go to that school. So local government controls who is allowed to move into that school's boundary area.

Large numbers of children in non-elite elementary school got sick from food poisoning. Angry parents were interviewed by local media. They said that it was the school lunches that made their children sick, food poisoning was not caused by the food they were fed at home. Parents voiced concerns at school meetings. News grew and spread. School officials were blamed. Then suddenly news stopped. Some parents (non-CCP affiliated) arrested for spreading propaganda against state. Eventually food got better and number of children getting sick decreased.

What happened?

Potential food suppliers bid on contract to supply food for school district. Bids are supposed to be awarded to lowest bidder, but school administation has right to eliminate bids they consider problematic. If bid is considered unreasonably low contractor might become unresponsive to fulfilling contract, or for other reasons, like bidder having some problem meeting food specifications, failures with prior contracts or on shaky financial footing, Mr X may select higher bid. Mr X knows how to award contract to whichever bidder he wants contract to go to. He has very powerful position. Because large number of lunches served in school district, huge amount of required food makes lucrative contract.

Each Bidder knows that to get contract as school district's food supplier they need to get Mr X to become inclined to accept their bid over those of other bidders. To ingratiate themselves to Mr X each bidder would do whatever possible. Chinese people have history going back many thousands of years studying and inventing new ways to ingratiate themselves to bureaucrats. Bidders know there are two things they must find out: how much and how to make transaction so as to prevent bureaucrat from any possibility of losing face. 

Determining how much is not as easy as it might seem on the surface. Bidder can't ask Mr X directly. That just isn't done. Bidder might be wearing a wire. Mr X will never say anything that might incriminate himself. Too little and bidder has as much as insulted Mr X. Another bidder might be given contract for spite. Also, other bidders also seeking to ingratiate themselves to Mr X. How much will competitors give? Too much and not only will contractor not make profit but will lose money on contract. Bidder will meet with family and friends to try to learn as much as possible about Mr X. If each school spends about ¥1 million per year for its lunch program, bidder's spreadsheet figures minimum deliverable food price, including what they can probably get away with by substitution of non-spec food products. If expected profit, including expected inflation is 25%, maybe half that would be considered appropriate to split with Mr X. Best approximate guess carefully estimated. ¥125,000 x 10 schools.

Figuring out which method to use to transfer funds without incriminating Mr X and preventing any possibility of Mr X losing face requires ingenuity, as old and current methods continually being found out. This is China's forte, discovering new methods to surreptitiously transfer funds to bureaucrats. One old fashioned method of transfer that is way out-dated and no longer used was losing at mahjong. Bidder's investigation found that Mrs X goes weekly to mahjong parlor and gambles. Bidder, Mr Y, goes to mahjong parlor and loses to Mrs X the pre-determined ¥amount. Wife goes home and casually mentions to Mr X that she won ¥1,250,000 from Mr Y at mahjong that day. Mr X smiles and understands what is expected.

Mr Y becomes successful bidder and obtains contract as food supplier for city's school lunch program. Lower quality foods substituted for those specified in contract documents and expected profits result. But then inflation goes up faster than expected, so even lower-priced, lower-quality foods have to be substituted. Eventually, cooks end up having to prepare lunches from rotten groceries and the school kids get food poisoning. City's police investigate and clear CCP member, Mr X, but non-CCP Mr Y loses contract and goes to prison, as do those non-CCP affiliated cooks and parent whistleblowers. 

Next lower bidder, Mr Z, was required under bidding documents to ensure that their bid remained valid over length of contract, just in case initially awarded bidder fails to fulfill contract. Mr Z's company is awarded remainder of contract. Mr X already received gratuity from Mr Z prior to initial bid, but it was less than he'd received from Mr Y. Mr Z furnishes specified quality food until media no longer interested in food poisoning story, then begins substituting non-spec groceries to meet required profits under ever-increasing inflation pressure.

West's globalist donor class and their minions in permanent ruling class love China as their prototype nation. Chinese institutions are designed to efficiently operate together, protecting and fulfilling needs and wants of CCP, not efficiently operating to fulfill needs of the Chinese people. Ownership of larger Chinese corporations is in hands of more politically powerful CCP members. CCP members manage China's institutions. China's system quietly ensures lavish lifestyles of CCP while also raising living standard of their non-CCP kin, provided they show fealty to CCP. 

Raising living standard of other half of China's population only gets more difficult. Not only are whistleblowers punished, but social credit system, tied to every aspect of daily life, ensures that negative public comments about CCP are punished. Disputes between CCP affiliated and non-affiliated parties are always decided in favor of the affiliated party. It's not just the school lunch programs. It's everything in daily life in China. This is the style of socialism they plan for America.